Farheen Butt

Project 1
My first PowerPoint presentation that I created for Technology and Career Development course which shows my education, experience and hobbies in relation to my career development.
Goal: to familiarize myself with presentation software (in this instance I used PowerPoint) and how to use them effectively. Familiarize myself with using Gestalt Principles and applying them to the presentation.
Planning and Approach: I first created the written content and then got started on creating the PowerPoint presentation keep Gestalt's principles in mind. I explore PowerPoint features as played around with the presentation. Once finished with the slides, I recorded, and then submitted my work.
The Result: I gained confident in using presentation software, and gained the skills to develop professional presentation.

Project 2
I created my first ever how to video emphasizing on two main resume types, resume formatting, do's and don'ts of resume and looking at alternative resume formatting.
Goal: to create a how to video for young adults and career changers seeking to build their first resume, and create a presentation that abides by code of ethics in regards to information and communication technology.
Planning and Approach: Research and collect information for the presentation and the layout information, written in order. Design the Canva presentation, insert information, and add sources. Once finished slides, record and submit presentation.
The Result: Gained valuable knowledge on resume building and concisely conveying information in a presentation in a timely manner.